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Male Urology Conditions

Urological conditions can be common in men, but often they are ignored or trips to the GP are delayed, which can lead to worsening symptoms or further issues. We encourage anyone concerned about their health to get in touch – our team of specialists is here to help.

Man cycling on bike in field

Urinary symptoms in men

Increasingly bothersome develop in many men as they get older in many men. These symptoms include poor urinary flow, delay at the start of the urinary flow and post urinary dribbling.

Blood in pee

A urine test and blood tests are usually required to rule out infection and ensure that the kidney function is normal. The kidneys are examined with ultrasound and CT scans if required and a flexible camera is used to examine the bladder under a local anaesthetic (called a flexible cystoscopy). These tests will usually demonstrate the cause of the bleeding and your treatment options will be discussed with you after these tests. Occasionally, further tests are required.

Male Urology Cancers

Male cancer problems are a significant part of urology and most commonly (except testicular cancer) affecting older patients (except testicular cancer).

Benign Kidney Problems

Renal cysts are present in over 50% of the population over above the age of 50, this was unknown until the advent of widespread renal tract USS. Simple cysts make up 70% of the benign renal masses and seldom require treatment. Solid benign masses include oncocytomas and angiomyolipomas (AML). Oncocytomas are difficult to distinguish from malignant tumours and are therefore usually removed, if found no follow up is required. AML occur sporadically but 20% are associated with tuberosclerosis, a rare genetic condition.

Scrotal Lumps and Bumps

It is not uncommon for men to find lumps in the scrotum. Most commonly these are not alarming but occasionally can be a sign of testicular cancer.

Painful Conditions in Male Urology

There may be occasions after previous infection, surgery or injury that painful conditions for men occur in the urological organs, for example, penis, testicles, bladder or prostate.

If your GP thinks one of these organs could be causing pain then they may refer you to a urologist.

Male Sexual Health

Erectile dysfunction is the persistent inability to either achieve or sustain an erection. About 5-20% of men have moderate or severe erectile dysfunction. There are many causes and risk factors including lack of exercise, smoking, diabetes, raised cholesterol, obesity and the metabolic syndrome.


Kidney stones make up the majority of stone disease in the UK but bladder stones still occur, usually in men whose bladders empty incompletely of urine do not empty of urine completely. Stones occur most commonly in the 20-50 age range, but can affect any age group. Men are affected more commonly than women and stones occur more frequently in the summer.

Need an urgent appointment?

If you need an appointment urgently then please contact us and explain your situation and we will do our best to arrange an appointment as soon as possible.

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  • I am extremely grateful for the time, care and attention you showed me during my recent illness and for seeing me so quickly when the suspicious testicular lump was found. It was so impressive to be seen within 35 minutes of my initial telephone call. Please pass on my thanks to your support team as they were always easy to get hold of and very willing to assist.

  • I would like to thank you all, and everyone who took part in my operation, for the kindness and consideration you showed me. It has given me a new lease of life.

  • The medical care received from you and your team was first-class in every respect. Your manner was very comforting and reassuring.