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Urine infections (Cystitis)

Approximately 1 in 4 women of child-bearing age will suffer a urinary tract infection (UTI) and of these a quarter will have problems with repeated infections.


UTIs cause pain and discomfort and women often needs several trips to the GP for antibiotics. The job of the urologist is to ensure that there is no underlying reason for the UTI to have occurred such as a stone or a problem with bladder emptying.


Women who are prone to UTIs can often reduce the risk of these occurring by taking simple precautions eg maintaining a high fluid intake, emptying the bladder regularly – especially after intercourse, avoiding things which might upset the normal vaginal bacteria and correct toileting technique and hygiene.

Cranberry juice or capsules and even lactobacillus-containing yoghurts or drinks may help but the evidence is weak. In older, post-menopausal women topical oestrogen replacement therapy may be indicated.


Sometimes despite all these measures women continue to suffer recurrent UTIs and antibiotics are required. There are several different ways of using antibiotics and we can discuss with you which approach is best for your situation.

Women with particularly persistent problems who do not respond to the measures listed above may be offered treatment with bladder instillations eg Cystistat or Ialuril. These are designed to replenish the protective surface coating of the bladder known as the GAG layer. They make it more difficult for bacteria to stick on to the bladder wall and set up an infection.

British Association of Urological Surgeons
Genesis Care
Ramsay Healthcare
Royal College of Surgeons of England
Spire Healthcare
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